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The Ministry of Labour has just published the new health protocol for companies.

The key points :

Mandatory wearing of masks "in shared and enclosed spaces" as of Tuesday 1st September 2020.

Partial derogation possible for green zones (adaptations possible if the company premises have "functional and maintained ventilation", but also "protective screens between workstations", and "provision of visors for employees".

COVID-19 referent: for smaller companies, the Manager can be the referent. Implementation of, "a procedure for the rapid management of cases of symptomatic people".

Increased measures for red and orange zones.

Temporary possibility not to wear the mask at certain times: employees working alone in an individual office will not be obliged to wear a mask, as will those working in workshops. For workers outside, the mask will only be necessary "in case of grouping, or inability to respect the distance of one metre".

Professional vehicles: masks become compulsory if there are several employees in the vehicle. A procedure for disinfecting the vehicle must be carried out regularly.

Teleworking: "A recommended practice", and a "preferred solution" for companies.

Taking the temperature: this is "not recommended" but the company can still organise it. However, the employee has the right to refuse.

You will find on the link below, all the questions and answers posted on-line and regularly updated by the Ministry of Labour on partial activity - partial unemployment…HERE

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