A & S Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable : la performance au service de l'entreprise et du particulier

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Long-term partial activity as from 1st October 2020

Dear Madam, Sir, Dear Client,

In the context of the Covid 19 epidemic, many of you have benefited from the payment of salaries within the framework of the partial activity.

This scheme is coming to an end:

- for employees employed in sectors particularly affected* by the Covid 19 health measures on 31st December 2020;

- for all other employees on 30th September 2020.

The government has set up a new mechanism to support companies facing lasting economic difficulties, but whose sustainability is not compromised. The latter can resort to the long-term partial activity known as, "APLD", introduced by the decree of 28th July 2020.

This system allows companies that commit to maintaining employment, and training, to reduce the working hours (up to 40% over 24 months) of all, or part of their employees. This reduction in activity is compensated for the employee by the payment of an indemnity and, for the employer, by the payment of an allowance by the State.

To be authorised to take advantage of this procedure, companies wishing to use this specific partial activity scheme must request the agreement of the DIRECCTE by filing an application:

- either an establishment, company or group agreement validated by the administration;

- or a unilateral document drawn up by the employer (possible if an extended branch agreement provides for this system). This document is approved by the administration.

The scheme would run for 24 months, either consecutively or not, and would end in the summer of 2022.

We are at your side in the development of this very specific scheme and we invite you to consult the links below with the information you need to set up a long-term partial activity:



*Sectors particularly affected by the health crisis: tourism, hotels, restaurants, sports, culture, air transport, events, etc.

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