A & S Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable : la performance au service de l'entreprise et du particulier

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For your partial, you can go directly to https://activitepartielle.emploi.gouv.fr/aparts/.


Self-Employed Workers : For information, the monthly deadline of 20 March is automatically extended. You can find more information on this site


Please find enclosed the documents to complete for your various journeys

Please find the new certificate which allows business journeys during a prolonged period.

Discover the exceptional measures put in place by the URSSAF to help its contributors impacted by the Coronavirus.

Discover the advice of the Ministry of Labour for companies and employees faced with the Coronavirus epidemic (from 17/03/20)

Discover the support measures taken by the Directorate General of Public Finance for companies impacted by the Coronavirus.

Discover all the measures decided by the government to help impacted businesses face economic difficulties.

Discover the support measures and useful contacts put in place by the government to help companies impacted by the Coronavirus.

Discover the support plan put in place by the PACA region for companies impacted by VIDOC-19

Find out about the measures taken by the Minister of Solidarity and Health to combat the spread of the covid-19 virus.

The major health crisis in our country is unprecedented. The outbreak of the Coronavirus Covid-19  that is arriving in France is causing many concerns from a health, but also economic point of view.

We have prepared a short summary of the information to remember to deal with this crisis.

Many economic sectors are affected by this situation, such as the hotel and restaurant industry, which is experiencing a decrease in the number of tourists.

Following a meeting between national economic players and social partners, the Minister for the Economy and Finance, Bruno LE MAIRE, confirmed that exceptional measures have been taken to support and accompany these impacted businesses such as:

- The postponement of social and/or fiscal deadlines (URSSAF, taxes),

- If necessary, a debt spreading plan with the support of the State and the Banque de France,

- Obtaining or maintaining a bank credit via BpiFrance,

- The financing of employees through the short-time working mechanism,

- Support in dealing with a conflict with customers or suppliers.

(See the document "Accompaniment of companies impacted by the Coronavirus COVID-19" from the Ministry of Economy and Finance.)

Information and Advice concerning the pandemic Coronavirus Covid-19

In terms of company day-to-day operations, the employer must take all measures to ensure the safety and protect the health of his employees (Art. L4121-1 Labour Code).

If you have an employee returning from a country at risk: the employee must contact the phone number 15 before returning to work. You must also ask him to go and see the occupational physician to ensure that he can return to the company.

If your employee is quarantined: the social security has introduced a decree that provides for daily allowances for a maximum of 20 days (with no conditions regarding the length of membership or contribution period and no waiting period). During this period, it is possible to set up teleworking. It is sufficient to draw up an amendment to the contract and sign it. There will be a work stoppage if your employee develops the illness during the quarantine period.

You can also place your employees on part-time/partial activity: You are entitled to 1000 hours of compensation per employee for 2020.  To apply for partial activity, you must make an application 5 days before this period. You will receive an allowance of € 7.74 per hour not worked by your employee. You will pay your employee compensation of approximately 84% of their net hourly wage. If the payment of the partial activity allowance is less than the minimum wage, you will have to pay them an additional allowance which is equal to the difference between the net minimum wage and the amount initially received.

On 13 March, the Minister of Labour, Madame Pénicaud, announced that the partial activity allowance would be largely compensated.

For more information, you will find below links on this subject:






You can also apply for a partial activity online at: https://activitepartielle.emploi.gouv.fr/aparts/.

We have made available to you the documents necessary to understand the various measures taken by the government. Of course, we remain at your disposal for any further information.

For further information and advice, you can also contact this telephone platform: 0 800 130 000 (toll-free number).

Nota bene: this information is subject to change according to current events. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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